Calling all SUNANDBASS family: Once again, it’s time to reunite! Make your way to Berlin, the hometown of SUNANDBASS makers to join us for a very special night at Ohm Club right underneath Tresor.

Line up:

Calibre & MC DRS
MC Soultrain

With Calibre & DRS two of the most influential artists will be headlining this event. Influential not only to the Drum’n’Bass scene but especially to us. So many deep and emotional moments have been created on the island with these two and treasured forever in our hearts. So we’re really excited to have them perform at our Reunion Party for yet another memorable night.

As the venue is rather small therefore we recommend to rsvp below. Please note reservations are limited and will be handled on a first come, first serve basis and will only be valid until 1:00 AM! Make sure to arrive on time.

[rtec-registration-form event=2704]

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